Friday, February 25, 2011

Portugal, simply a wonderful country


How more time passes, as more i travel, know new countries, new cultures, more i convince of one thing, Portugal is a wonderful country to live (among other things). 

Don't get me wrong, i loved every places where i have been, living or visiting, but Portugal as something unique, a singular culture, a strong personality, and whose is Portuguese and he is traveling he can deeply feel it, as also an emigrant. 

What we need more? Our culture is enviable, good food, good drinks, good women, people so nice and friendly   which is impossible to find in another place in the world (among other characteristics). It's difficult to understand s in country so small (really small), you can find so much differences between regions, and even cities, but as the same time everything as a balance, as some kind of divine figure as there to control everything. 

Some people that i know told me that after their international experiences had difficulties in coming home, for their country, i personally, don't! I like, love Portugal, coming home is always a pleasure. Of course i love to travel (i really love to travel), meet new people,  new cultures, etc but how more i travel, more i realize that Portugal is special, and that my life passes by Portugal. 

If you notice most of people when gets out of his country lost most of his own culture. But with a Portuguese that not like that. The Portugueses adopt part of the culture of the country that adopt them, but at the same time, they kept most of his culture. If you visit some neighborhood in Newark or Paris you will understand what i'm talking. In my perspective adapt quickly to a country but he will remain with his culture. 

The Portuguese like to born Portuguese and to die even more Portuguese, always with proud. 

As a pictures worth more than 1000 words i will leave you with two videos of Portugal. The first was made by the Institute of tourism (of Portugal obviously). The second was made by me and some friends (I have to admit 90% of the credits belong to Luis) for a presentation in a class when i was doing ERASMUS. When we presented this movie to students of at least 8 different nationalities i was proud, with all my body feeling something rising by my spine. 

See for yourself:

I hope you enjoy it!   


  1. Concordo com muito que dizes. Portugal realmente é um pais muito diversificado, a gastronomia é a melhor do mundo sem duvida. Mas tem muitos aspectos negativos, quanto a simpatia dos portugueses, duvido disso, quando comparado com outras nacionalidades. Então quando dizem que nós somos latinos de sangue quente e bla bla , e países nórdicos são "Frios" só apetece rir (Creio que entendes).A realidade é bem diferente. Quanto a sermos orgulhosamente Portugueses, isso é partilhado por todas as nacionalidades, Até os afegãos, Cazaquistanezes são orgulhosamente do seu pais, faz parte de ser humano. (Quando a gente fazia aquela brincadeira, se fosses turco queria ver se dizias "Sou orgulhosamente turco" ). Sobre o video, realmente não encontrarei melhor descrição do que "pele de galinha " para descrever o que senti. Grande momento que lembrarei sempre, acho que não foram só os portugueses que ficaram com pele de galinha.

  2. Sim tem "alguns" aspects negativos, mas aspectos negativos não se fazem sentir tanto como noutros países, também não é um país perfeito! Claro que na maior parte as pessoas são orgulhosas do seu pais (já vi muitas pessoas que não tinham orgulho no seu país), mas nos temos mais algo de especial, acho que o Português nunca se desliga completamente da sua cultura, o acho que para isso o que descreve melhor a nossa cultura será o fado.
