Monday, February 28, 2011

1st left!

The 1st left was my “second home”. I entered in university (unfortunately) only in the second phase. I try to search home but I couldn’t find anything “pleasant”. When the second semester started my life changed! I went to live in the 1st left , when I say 1st left it’s as I was speaking of some god, believe me that flat had something special. Most of the good moments, in university were spent in that flat with the awesome people that lived there (except one person!). First with Catia, Pedro and Arlindo. I like to call Pedro and Catia as my “university fathers”, they were in their last year of university and knew everything that we need to know there. Arlindo was a freshman like me, a friend with who I lived for 3 years! In my first year, I probably have my best memories in university, the beginning of a new world, the building of relationships that probably will stay for the rest of my days, my first (real) hangover, among other amazing things, most of the moments are connected with the 1st left. Also a word to the 6th left (if I’m not mistaken), another great flat! After the 1st year Catia and Pedro left, it was, really, amazing living with them. It was a mixture of fun, happiness, but at the same time of “responsibility” (a little bit), experience. I will never forget of dinner that dinner, the dinner where everyone decided to make their one dinner and invite someone, and when we were almost starting to eat we understood that everyone had invited someone, in the end we had around 12 people. We started to cook, but the food was not enough, the pot was too small, we need to ask to a neighbor for a pot. That was one of my best dinners that had in my life with so different people, with a pasta that I would love to eat now, and it was so spontaneous, so natural. But unfortunately they had left the academic life, two new members had entered for our circuit, Tiago and another guy that doesn’t matter for the story. This year was funny, too much exhausted, but worth it! In this year I only had 5 subjects in all year, and only would go to 2 classes, one for each semester, so you can imagine my free time that I had. In the second year we had a change of members, Tiago get out for an internship, Vegeta enters. Here started a trio with so many stories that you even can’t imagine. We lived all of us together for 1 year and a half. The stories are so diversified, amazing, so awesome. It’s impossible to forget the stories in that flat, or even our neighbors. Our lovely neighbor of 2nd left, as we liked to call, the “the French neighbor”. She was always complaining about us, even when we didn’t make noise or we didn’t do nothing. She even called the police for us, such a consideration for us, but I have to say she was hot so we gave her a "discount"! Or our mister “ mustache” (bigodes) as we liked to call him. He had a company just beneath our flat, a lovely guy, with a “strong personality”, I meant with a funny moustache! Some times he liked to give us some messages, important points how we should behave. Later I found out that his company was closed by the court (or something like that) because of suspicious behaviors, lets call it that way. This flat have so amazing stories, so many that is impossible to count everyone. There were 3 years that also correspond to 3 amazing years. You should pass a Queima in that house and you would find out what I’m talking about. Mainly the parade that passed right in the front of our home, in that moment our home turns like a ship sinking! That house is synonym of so many things that’s really difficult to describe it. Anyway this is my tribute to that flat, to the people that lived there (almost all), to the people that passed there so great moments there (and they were a lot of people passing there everyday, or even some people that didn’t have a house to live, or because they were too drunk to get home!). We usually call it as the “house of people”! It was a meeting point for everyone, a place where everyone knew that we would have great moments there.

Long life to the 1st left! 

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