This concept is one of the most terms used in management or economics, but here I will update it to the real life.
The objective in TQM (totally quality management) is to, basically optimize the company. Not only the products, services, but all the processes, employees, everything! All the activities should be improved. How? You have several tools, developed throw the years. I only will explain here one to later make a comparison.
But first let me introduce you more some information. There are some keys concepts that need to be respected (there are more but I only will explore some):
- Total satisfaction of the clients
- Development of the human resources
- Set up real objectives
- Involving everyone in the company
- Continuous improvement
- Ensuring quality
- Not accepting mistakes
Like I said previously there are several tools that I recommend you to check it but here I will talk only about the 5S Process. The 5S Process, or simply "5S", is a structured program to systematically achieve total organization, cleanliness, and standardization in the workplace. A well-organized workplace results in a safer, more efficient, and more productive operation. It boosts the morale of the workers, promoting a sense of pride in their work and ownership of their responsibilities.
The process was invented in Japan and all the words start by S: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. These terms meant tidiness, orderliness, cleanliness, standardization, discipline. The first step of the "5S" process, seiri, refers to the act of throwing away all unwanted, unnecessary, and unrelated materials in the workplace. Seiton, or orderliness, is all about efficiency. This step consists of putting everything in an assigned place so that it can be accessed or retrieved quickly, as well as returned in that same place quickly. If everyone has quick access to an item or materials, work flow becomes efficient, and the worker becomes productive. The fourth step of "5S", or seiketsu, more or less translates to 'standardized clean-up'. It consists of defining the standards by which personnel must measure and maintain 'cleanliness'. Seiketsu encompasses both personal and environmental cleanliness. Personnel must therefore practice 'seiketsu' starting with their personal tidinessThe last step of "5S", Shitsuke, means 'Discipline.' It denotes commitment to maintain orderliness and to practice the first 4 S as a way of life. The emphasis of shitsuke is elimination of bad habits and constant practice of good ones. Once true shitsuke is achieved, personnel voluntarily observe cleanliness and orderliness at all times, without having to be reminded by management.
Now let’s stop of talking of management, probably for you is really boring. Now imagine this as an approach not for companies, but for groups or even a single person, for you!. I will focus in groups in a way that TQM is an approach that consists in involving everyone. Imagine that you’re in a group, shouldn’t we think all in the “same way”? Shouldn’t we have the same objective? Shouldn’t we work as real group and not as individuals that think are in a group. And by group I will let you know some definitions of group: a number of persons or things gathered closely together and forming a recognizable unit; cluster; aggregation; band: a group of houses; a number of persons or things classified together because of common characteristics, community of interests, etc.
Now imagine in how many groups are you involved? Can you imagine? Can you count it?
Involving in a group or not, if you have the chance to improve it why don’t you do it? Why I see so many people “stopped in time”? After all the meaning of the human life is not to be happy? One of the ways is improving ourselves and our groups. Imagine our life if no one discover the fire, imagine if no one invented the car and we still walk on horses. Do you can imagine our lives? I don’t! If you have the chance why don’t you take it? There are some people that have the chance something, the answer is right in front of them, they only need to say a word in some cases but why they keep sited in their chairs and don’t do anything? Why are you always expecting someone do the job for you? Why don’t you take the initiative? Let’s correct that, change your life!
Totally quality of the personal life (TQPF) will help you (I hope!). Let’s pick up the technique that I presented previously, let’s start by the total satisfaction of the clients, here total satisfaction of the people involved in a group. This one of the most basic things to do in a group, make everybody happy, make everybody having an understanding, a common goal, a similar style of life (maybe not so much). And how? You just have to communicate with people, to debate, to propose ideas, to have power of will and in the end you will find out a common propose. In a company you need to develop your human resources, in real life you have to develop yourself, and help yours to develop them. I don’t understand how some people, if you are doing something wrong and they correct you, they stay angry with you. That person is helping you, no? You should say thanks, and not complaining! But everything makes sense if you have the will, to constantly improve it, to make sure that in the end of the day you will be a better person, that you have evolved.
You have to remember that in a group that’s not only about you, there are other people around you. And if you don’t think also in them you may prejudice him. Until now for you could be fine, but the same problem in the future, can turn against you. And then you want help from someone (will they help you?), or want that the problem stop, it will stop? No way, it’s like a ball of snow, the problems will only begin. One thing that I have watched in the last years, in groups, is how people have little secrets between them, how they are lying all the time, and everyone knows. Why? Do you have afraid of telling the truth? Do you have problems in facing the truth? Conflicts, another modern topic in management field, but even more modern in the world. Most of the theories appoint that if you face the conflict you will gain something positive of it, the opposite? I think you know the answer.
Now and as this text is being so big, see the 5S, adapt to your personal life, make your own evolution, make your group evolve, help other to evolve.
Evolution, sought by so many, accomplish by so few.
Be part of the “so many”!
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